József Székács, bishop 1808-1876
This book is to pay tribute to the literary, publicist activity of József Székács D. Ph.D., Lutheran mining district superintedent. Called the ?pastor of the country?, he is remembered as the first minister of the Hungarian Lutheran congregation in Pest, - in spite of his several titles and honours, as ordinary member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, honorary doctor of theology of the Jena University, MP of the Orosháza district, royal councillor, Leopold-order. Besides his pastor's service, his literary and publicistic activity has even such an importance, which we call attention to, recommending the digital version of the volume, entitled ?The Life and Literary Activity of József Székács?.
In its chapters his childhood, the student's years in Sopron become alive. We get to know the first literary wing-beats, and the years spent in the ?Hungarian Society? of the famous author and interpretor János Kiss. Being active as tutor by the Serb family Nikolics, he felt to be inspired to learn the Serb and Greek languages. His translations were issued by the Kassa Museum. He became well-known because of his Greek anthology translations, the Plutarch translations, his trips abroad, his being elected to pastor in Pest in 1837, and his outstanding speach for the occasion of the great flood in 1838. Rich information material can be read in this book, about his rhetorical works during and after the fight for freedom 1848-49, his worldly poetry, his editing the ?Protestant Church and School Review?.
We express our thanks to the inheritors of József Székács for their permission to use this book, as well as other documents for our homepage.
Székács József élete és működése
Ifjú kora, tanulóévei
A pesti ev. egyház keletkezése és első papja: Székács József
Munkálkodása a szabadságharcig
Székács Landhofban
A budai egyház
Egyházi koordináció
A szabadságharc közben
Patens küzdelem
Irodalmi munkássága