The Protestant Homepage
The Protestant past of Upper Northern Hungary
Eperjes (Presov)
Eperjes város rövid története
Eperjes városa a 19. században
Eperjes (Preąov, Eperiesch, Sk) - Evangélikus Kollégium
Az eperjesi vésztörvényszék
János Bayer
Gergely Berzeviczy
Izsák Czabán
Dessewffy Arisztid
Ferenc Kazinczy
Maléter Pál
Sándy Gyula
D. Ph.D. József Székács, minister of the country
Intellectual centres

Eperjes (Presov)

Eperjes, houses of the principal square

Eperjes (Presov), the Athens on the river Tarca

The town was founded by King Béla II. (the Blind) in 1132, Germans were settled by King Géza II., was enclosed with walls by King Károly Róbert in 1312, raised to the privileged royal free boroughs by King Ulászló II. In 1514. she was devastated by wars and conflagrations, and the vehmic court of Eperjes was one of the most brutal events of the counter-reformation in Hungary. It was only King József II. (1780-1790) who set an end to the persecution of the Protestants. Then Presov begins to flurish, becomes a centre of commerce towards Poland. The Slovac Republic of Soviet type was anounced in Eperjes 26. June 1919.

Among the professors of the Lutheran College in Eperjes, there were outstanding personalities. The theological, philosophical and scientific activity of János Bayer and Izsák Czabán preceded the way of thinking of their environment with centuries. Eminent students were: István Gyöngyösi, Ferenc Kazinczy, Lajos Kossuth, br. Ferenc Nyáry, Pál Országh-Hviezdoslav, Tamás Péchy, br. István Petróczy, br. Miklós Petróczy, br. Ferenc Pongrácz, Ferenc Pulszky, József Székács, ct. Imre Thököly, Mihály Tompa, Pál Wittnyédi.

According to the prescriptions of the peace treaty of Trianon, the town became a part of the State Czechoslovakia. The Czechoslovak educational referent Stefanek, as representative of the government , signalized their support of the moving of the schools to Hungary, to ensure the determining Slovak-language character of the education, being the programme of the new state. Therefore the Academy of Law settled over to Miskolc immediately, as the Teacher's Training School came to Miskolc, too. Trains started in these times every hour from Eperjes to Hungary. The last final exam in Hungarian language was held in the College of Presov in June. 1926. The professor of the Academy of Law, János Flórián, and János Gömöry did not leave Presov, and managed to realize that the Presov elementary school could function, as the only Hungarian language school in that time.

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Eperjesi Evangélikus Egyházközség
**Cím:** Svätoplukova 11, Preąov Sk-080 29
Mobil: +421-908-987664


9:00 a 18:00 Preąov
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Szlovákia vonat és autobuszmenetrendje

Szlovák országos telefonkönyv
szlovák és angol nyelven



Eperjes város rövid története

Eperjes városa a 19. században

Eperjes (Preąov, Eperiesch, Sk) - Evangélikus Kollégium

Az eperjesi vésztörvényszék

János Bayer

Gergely Berzeviczy

Izsák Czabán

Dessewffy Arisztid

Ferenc Kazinczy

Maléter Pál

Sándy Gyula

D. Ph.D. József Székács, minister of the country

         Other pages
  Szlovákiai Református Keresztyén Egyház
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Berzevice (Brezovica nad Torysou, Bersewitz, Sk)
Besztercebánya (Neosolium, Banská Bystrica, Neusohl, Sk)
Csehberek (České Brezovo, Böhmisch-Briesau, Sk)
Csetnek (Štítnik) Sk
Dunaszerdahely (Dunajská Streda, Sk)
Felsőszeli (Horné Saliby)
Fülek (Fil'akovo Sk)
Gálszécs (Sečovce Sk)
Horhi (Horąa, Garsch, Sk)
Igló (Villa Nova, Spiąská Nová Ves, Zipser Neudorf Sk)
Kassa (Koąice, Kaschau Sk)
Késmárk (Kesmarkium, Keľmarok, Käsmark, Kiezmark, Sk)
Komárom (Komarno)
Losonc (Lučenec, Losontz Sk)
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Nyitra (Nitra, Neutra, Sk)
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Pozsony (Bratislava)
Rimaszombat (Rimavská Sobota Sk)
Sajógömör (Gemer Sk)
Somorja (ąamorin, Sk)
Szakolca (Skalica, Skalitz SK)
Szenc (Szempcz, Senec, Wartberg, Sk)
Szepesolaszi (Latina Villa, Spiąské Vlachy, Wallendorf Sk)
Szklabonya (Sklabiná Sk)
Trencsény-teplic (Trenčínská Teplá Sk)
Zólyom (Zvolen, Sk)

Eperjes, houses of the principal square

Eperjes, houses of the principal square

Eperjes, houses of the principal square

The Rákóczi-house

The building of the Lutheran College in Eperjes, at present

The festive hall of the Lutheran College in Eperjes

Lajos Kossuth - the regent of Hungary - studied in the town

The triptych of the Lutheran church in Eperjes

The resting place of the newly buried victims of Antal Caraffa, in the Lutheran church

The Saint Nicholas church, functioning now as a Catholic church

The Protestant Homepage The Protestant past of Upper Northern Hungary Eperjes (Presov)

© Internet Working Group of the Lutheran Church in Hungary 2003.
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The material of the Protestant Homepage, presenting the past of Upper Northern Hungary was supported by the Ministery for Informatics and Telecommunication, in frame of the competition IHM/ITP/2/C