János Endreffy, jun.
János Endreffy, jun., pastor (1918-1938)
Born 9. October 1891 in Felsőszeli, as fourth child of János Endreffy and Anna Tepliczky. He attended school in Felsőszeli and Pozsony (Bratislava). Vicar in Selmecbánya, Lajoskomárom, army chaplain in World War I. on the Russian and Italian fronts, from 1918 pastor in Felsőszeli.
He began his service in a new country, the Czechoslovak republic. His service of two decades is determining in the life of the congregation of Felsőszeli, having done much for the Hungarians, being forced into minority in Slovakia. He is general editor of the Lutheran Review, restarted in 1922, published a lot in it, together with his father, János Endreffy, sen. In 1935 János Endreffy, jun. became secretary, then ecclesiastic president of the Slovenska Hungarian Lutheran Alliance. From 1938, he is pastor of the German-Hungarian congregation in Bratislava. He joins in the cultural life of the Hungarians of Bratislava: in addition to his pastor's service, he undertook the duty of the religion teacher in the secondary school, further he taught two subjects also at the Lutheran Theology for Hungarian theology students. In 1939 he was elected to vice-president of the Toldy Circle.
In 1945 he was ordered by the reshuffled Czechoslovak state, to leave his native country. Firstly he came to Mezőhegyes, then a group of people from Felsőszeli, expelled to Mágocs in 1948, invited him to be their pastor. He spent five years there, until he retired in the autumn 1952, when he went to Nyíregyháza into an old people's home of the church.
János Endreffy, jun. died in Nyíregyháza, 31. December 1973, ar the age of 82.
It is worth to mention from his literary activity the book: ?The 450 years old Luther and the Catholicism of nowadays 1483-1934? being published in Bratislava, 1934.
Finn testvérek Felső Szeliben