Felpéci Evangélikus Egyházközség


Felpéci Evangélikus Egyházközség
Lutheran Congregation in Felpéc
The Lutheran church building
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Lutheran Congregation in Felpéc

A village with traditions

Felpéc is a nice small village near to the city Győr, midway between Budapest and Vienna. There is a Lutheran congregation originating from the mid 16th century - the time when the reformation of Luther had got its first roots in Hungary. Felpéc was a large Lutheran centre in the 18th century. That time, during the counter-reformation, many Lutheran churches were closed and people from far away came here for holy services.

During four centuries Felpéc had been a Lutheran village. Still now the congregation members make the majority with 500 people from the 800 inhabitants of Felpéc. This is quite rare in Hungary since the country is mostly catholic and Lutherans take only 3,5 per cent of the population.

Kapcsolódó oldalak:

Homepage of Felpéc village
This is the detailed guide to the history of Felpéc - unfortunately only in Hungarian.

Templomfelújítás (pályázati projektek)
Gyülekezetünk életéről
A felpéci evangélikus templom orgonájáról
Múltbéli adatok végtelen tárháza - A családkutatás alapforrásai
Hogy találok oda?

The Lutheran church building in Felpéc
© Magyarországi Evangélikus Egyház, Internet Munkacsoport, 2003.
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