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The Protestant past of Upper Northern Hungary
Komárom (Komarno)
Mór Jókai
Jókai Mór keresztelője
Intellectual centres

Mór Jókai

Jókai memory room in the Musem at the Danube

The greatest Hungarian narrator, born 18. February 1825, in Komarno. His father was József ásvai Jókay. his mother Mária Pulay. His literary talent became evident even in his childhood. He spent his period of articles in Pest, where Sándor Petőfi introduced him into the literary circles. His first short stories were published in the papers ?Pesti Hírlap? and ?Életképek?. His first novel issued in 1846, entitled ?Hétköznapok? (Weekdays). In March 1848, on the side of Petőfi, he was the leader of the youth. This year he married Róza Laborfalvy, the famous actress of the National Theatre. During the fight for freedom, he edited the papers ?Pesti Hírlap? and ?Esti Lapok?. The Habsburg tyranny could defeat the Hungarian freedom endeavours only with the help of the tsarist troops. After the capitulation at Világos, he was hiding in the mountains Bükk, till his wife could obtain amnesty for him. Since the 1860ies, he played also a political role, as member of the Parliament, till 1896. He enhanced his popularity as an author, also with his political activity. In 1860 the success on stage of the ?Martyrs of Szigetvár?, in 1844 of ?The Goldenman? enriched his career. He was member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, of the Kisfaludy Society, and he founded the Petőfi Society in 1878. In 1894 the nation celebrated the half-century writer's jubilee with great enthusiasm, when also a great national special edition of his works issued. His death in Budapest, on 5. May 1904 meant a deep mourning for the whole nation. In 1925 the whole country celebrated the centenary of his birth.



Jókai Mór keresztelője

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Mór Jókai

Inauguration of the Jókai monument in Komarno, 28. November 1937

Mór Jókai, with his second wife, Bella Nagy

Mrs. Jókai, Róza Laborfalvi

The Protestant Homepage The Protestant past of Upper Northern Hungary Komárom (Komarno) Mór Jókai

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