The Protestant Homepage
The Protestant past of Upper Northern Hungary
Eperjes (Presov)
Izsák Czabán
Intellectual centres

Izsák Czabán

Nagyszeben - Harmanstadt - Sibiu, Lutheran Theological Academy

Izsák Czabán (Zabanius) professor of theology, Lutheran pastor, philosophical author, college professor. Name variaties: Zabanius, Isaacus; Izák Czaban; Izsák Zabanius. He came from a pastor's family of the county Nyitra. Born 5. July 1632, in Brogya, county Bars. He studied in Sopron and Wittemberg, where he got to know János Bayer, his later colleague as teacher.

Following the Wittenberg example, he organized discussions on metaphysics and theology in Breznóbánya.

In 1661 he became deputy director, then director of the school. He is professor of the Lutheran College between 1667-1670. He formulates a more and more sharp critique on Aristotle therefore he got into contradiction with his colleague Illés Ladiver, as well as with the Jesuits. It was better for him to leave for Transylvania, Nagyszeben. Between 1676-1687 he is professor of theology and philosophy at the Lutheran College.

The greatest tragedy of his life befell him when he was 70. His son played a significant political role in the political life of Nagyszeben. As government official in charge of Szeben, he was involved into a traitor's lawsuit and had been beheaded in 1703. The grey-haired father himself accompanied him to the place of execution. He died in Nagyszeben, 1707.

His writings:

  1. Exercitation physica de intellectu Wittembergae, 1658

Existentia atomorum, ab injuris 24 argumentorum Wittembergae, 1667

Synopsis controversiarum metphysicarum Leutschovieac, 1669 Dissertation philosophica H. n. 1670


László Mátrai: Old Hungarian Philopsophers, XV-XVII. Budapest, 1961

Jolán M. Zemplén: The History of Hungarian Physics till 1711, Budapest, 1961

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Eperjes városa a 19. században
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Az eperjesi vésztörvényszék
János Bayer
Gergely Berzeviczy
Dessewffy Arisztid
Ferenc Kazinczy
Maléter Pál
Sándy Gyula
D. Ph.D. József Székács, minister of the country

The festive hall of the Eperjes (Presov) Lutheran College

Nagyszeben - Hermanstadt - Sibiu, Lutheran church

Nagyszeben - Hermanstadt - Sibiu, The organ of the Lutheran church

Sopron (Ödenburg). Altar of the Lutheran church

Marketplace of Wittenberg, in foreground the Luther memorial

Eperjes - Eperies (Presov) in 16. century

The Protestant Homepage The Protestant past of Upper Northern Hungary Eperjes (Presov) Izsák Czabán

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The material of the Protestant Homepage, presenting the past of Upper Northern Hungary was supported by the Ministery for Informatics and Telecommunication, in frame of the competition IHM/ITP/2/C