The Protestant Homepage
The Protestant past of Upper Northern Hungary
Pozsony (Bratislava)
The History of the Lutheran Congregation of Augustan Confession, in Bratislava
Aulber János Kristóf
Beer Frigyes Vilmos
Bél Mátyás
Biermann Károly Sámuel
Bőhm Kristóf
Brehmer András
Crudy Dániel
Dobai György Sámuel
Ebner Gusztáv
Eckhardt Bertalan
Freytag Viktor Rudolf
Fürst János
Geduly Lajos Gábor
Geyer János
Glatz István Henrik
Gleichgrosz György Ferdinánd
Götz András
Grosz (Grosch) András
Heuchelin János György
Heuchelin Simon
Homberger Elizeus
Jarius Vilmos József
Jentsch János
Kéler Zigmond
Keller János Bernát
Klein Mihály
Klesch János Kristóf
Knepel Joakim
Krumbholtz Keresztély
Lader János
Marth János Mátyás
Matern Kristóf Márton
Mirus (Miersch) János Keresztély
Müller György
Ogger Sámuel
Pihringer Keresztély
Prőhle Henrik
Raabe Károly Ágost
Rackwitz Károly
Rázga Pál
Reiser Antal
Reusz András
Ribiny János
Schmidt Dániel
Schmidt Károly Jenő
Schnaderbach György Frigyes
Segner Ádám
Serpilius Sámuel Vilmos
Siegel Ernő Ferdinánd
Stromszky Ferenc Sámuel
Stumpf János
Sutorius Bálint
Tettelbach Ádám
Titius Gottfried
Titius Dávid
Tremmel János Keresztély
Trentschensky Ferenc
Vibeg János
Vollgnad Gáspár
Wegelin Józsua
Weiszbeck János
Werner János Jakab
Wider András Kristóf
Intellectual centres

The History of the Lutheran Congregation of Augustan Confession, in Bratislava

Schrödl József: A Pozsonyi Ág. Hitv. Ev. Egyházközség Története

The book of József Schrödl, entitled: ?The History of the Aug. Conf. Lutheran Congregation in Bratislava? issued in 1906 in Bratislava, being in this large city a strong tendency in those times towards becoming more and more Hungarian. The Protestant inhabitants of Hungarian, German and Slovak nationality of Bratislava (Pressburg, Prespork) insisted on their evangelical faith throughout centuries, even if the counter-reformation had applied the most cruel methods in the course of the centuries. The book gives a historical summary of the history of the town Bratislava, the first signs of the Reformation, the Compromize-Catholicism, about the persecutions, the confiscation of churches, the decade of mourning, and then about the period after the edict of tolerance, issued by king and emperor József II. The chapter entitled ?Additional material? is giving particulars about the name and biography of the ministers, having served the Lutherans in Bratislava in Hungarian, German and Slovak languages. Since 1920 Bratislava had received her earlier rank, although not under the Hungarian name Pozsony, but as Bratislava, the capital of the Slovak Republic. In the course of the more than eighty years lasting history of the Czechoslovak state and the Slovak Republik, the number of the inhabitants whose mother-tongue is Slovak increased significantly, respectively those of German mother-tongue had decreased significantly.

The coexistence of the different nationalities in the Lutheran church, in the course of different historical ages, had been always exemplary. The testimonies and factos of bygone days become alive, with the electronic disclosure of this work of source value.

At present, ?Bratislava in 16. century?, and the data of the biographies of the ministers can be found on our homepage. We are planning the digitalization of the whole volume.



Aulber János Kristóf

Beer Frigyes Vilmos

Bél Mátyás

Biermann Károly Sámuel

Bőhm Kristóf

Brehmer András

Crudy Dániel

Dobai György Sámuel

Ebner Gusztáv

Eckhardt Bertalan

Freytag Viktor Rudolf

Fürst János

Geduly Lajos Gábor

Geyer János

Glatz István Henrik

Gleichgrosz György Ferdinánd

Götz András

Grosz (Grosch) András

Heuchelin János György

Heuchelin Simon

Homberger Elizeus

Jarius Vilmos József

Jentsch János

Kéler Zigmond

Keller János Bernát

Klein Mihály

Klesch János Kristóf

Knepel Joakim

Krumbholtz Keresztély

Lader János

Marth János Mátyás

Matern Kristóf Márton

Mirus (Miersch) János Keresztély

Müller György

Ogger Sámuel

Pihringer Keresztély

Prőhle Henrik

Raabe Károly Ágost

Rackwitz Károly

Rázga Pál

Reiser Antal

Reusz András

Ribiny János

Schmidt Dániel

Schmidt Károly Jenő

Schnaderbach György Frigyes

Segner Ádám

Serpilius Sámuel Vilmos

Siegel Ernő Ferdinánd

Stromszky Ferenc Sámuel

Stumpf János

Sutorius Bálint

Tettelbach Ádám

Titius Gottfried

Titius Dávid

Tremmel János Keresztély

Trentschensky Ferenc

Vibeg János

Vollgnad Gáspár

Wegelin Józsua

Weiszbeck János

Werner János Jakab

Wider András Kristóf

Schrödl József: A Pozsonyi Ág. Hitv. Ev. Egyházközség Története
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The Protestant Homepage The Protestant past of Upper Northern Hungary Pozsony (Bratislava) The History of the Lutheran Congregation of Augustan Confession, in Bratislava

© Internet Working Group of the Lutheran Church in Hungary 2003.
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The material of the Protestant Homepage, presenting the past of Upper Northern Hungary was supported by the Ministery for Informatics and Telecommunication, in frame of the competition IHM/ITP/2/C